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TRUSTED by your teenager with Kristen Duke (formerly Beyond Good Intentions)

Aug 1, 2018

I LOVE the mission that Tiffany and Keirstyn are on, and I'm so grateful they are willing to share their stories.

They are out to bless the world, and free victims from broken-ness in relationship trauma. It's a brave journey they are taking, and I whole heartedly commend them! They want to help people become better, and I'm very happy to help spread their message with all of you.

I believe in marriage, in working through issues, in forgiveness, but when it comes to abuse, I fully support the victims getting out. They talk about the shame, but they want the world to know that you don't have to be perfect to be loved. 

These ladies talk a lot about what we can do NOW as we are raising our children, to help them feel their own individual worth, and I was EATING IT UP!

"It's not enough that we are saying uplifting things to our kids, they have to say it to themselves." 

I just hope and pray that the words of these ladies will bless others, and if you know someone that would benefit from hearing their stories, PLEASE share this episode with them.


Please see the links in the show notes to find them on their website, social media, join their forum, check out the workshops and resources they have to offer at 

I would love you to join me over on instagram: @CapturingJoy.KristenDuke to discuss this episode, and give Tiffany and Kierstyn some LOVE and THANK THEM for sharing their story! Share on instagram what tidbit you are taking home.